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HTTP Support ( 240 )
TightVNC Support ( 2452 )
SSH Support ( 1999 )
New Interface ( 1164 )

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The following people have help in one way or another:
Angela Antoniou, Mark Goodwin, Konrad Brunner, Steffen Menne, Nythil, Emeric Laroche and Sergey V. Udaltsov.

J2ME VNC Screenshots

motorola - A008
Screen Shot - Mozilla And Emulator With Part Of Bash Window Showing Due To The Way J2me Vnc Only Updates The Currently Active Area.png Screen Shot - Mozilla Normal Mode.png
motorola - A830
Screen Shot - Mozilla Dos Prompt Normal Mode.png
nokia - 6310i
Screen Shot - Unable To Connect The Requested Protocal Does Not Exist.png
nokia - series60
Screen Shot - Connection Screen.png Screen Shot - Emacs.png
rim - blackberry
Screen Shot - Normal Mode.png
sony - T610
Screen Shot - Normal Mode.png
sun - defaultcolour
Screen Shot - Connection Screen Menu.png Screen Shot - Connection Screen.png Screen Shot - Full Screen From Aplha1.png Screen Shot - Full Screen From C V S Version1.6.png Screen Shot - fullscreen Opera Webbrowser.png Screen Shot - Normal Mode.png Screen Shot - Start Screen.png Logo Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS! Level Triple-A conformance icon, W3C-WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 - The Source for Java Technology Donate to this project